I am feeling bad that something in me has made me stay away from blogging. I can never put the blame on my 14 month baby as he is such a sweet boy who gives me atleast 2 hrs daily for internet!!
Being Christmas time, I found that there are number of places where they have special Christmas lights and decoration as part of celebration. Having found such a place some 20 miles from home, we decided to visit last Saturday. When we read about this place, I did find people commenting that weekends traffic would be pretty heavy. Since the lights are open until 11PM we decided go still give it a try and went there by 8PM. We were just 2 miles from destination and realised that cars are waiting to move for nearly 2 miles from that place. Still we believed we would drive thru that 2 miles atleast in 30 min. But after 45 minutes I checked in my GPS to only find we have crossed only 0.2 miles of the 2 mile traffic stretch!!
The 45 min wait reminded me of tidal park and IIT area traffic jam. But then having been away from such traffic problems in the last few months, this 45 min wait for Christmas lights seemed too irritating and horrible!! We lost patience, moved to next lane changed route and got home :(
We decided to go again on Monday evening as it would be a working day with lesser traffic and thankfully we cleared that slow traffic this time in 20 min and reached the Christmas lights area.
I have never had the opportunity to see Christmas decoration all these years. The lights were stretched out for a distance of 1.5 miles and it was indeed a beautiful sight to watch. If only the temperature had not been so chilly we could have walked that stretch. I am hoping to find more Christmas lights decoration this week as well!!
Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all :-)
Knock at the Cabin
1 week ago